Got a question? We'll get back to you!

Every day, our Managing Director (déléguée Général) answers the many questions we receive directly, by telephone or e-mail.
We've grouped some of them together on this page to provide you with some answers during your visit to our site.

To help us serve you better, tell us who you are by clicking on one of the categories below, and access answers to frequently asked questions.

I am a member


1.1 I am a member and would like to access my private area. How can I do this?

Access to your private space is subject to identification (login and password).

If you haven't received the email with your details, or if you've lost it, you can contact our Managing Director, who will check your details and issue you with a login and password (within 24 hours, Monday to Friday).

You can then access your private space and change your password as often as you like.

Your private space gives you access to all the services available online: update your contact details, job and internship offers, targeted offers...

1.2 I am a member and I no longer receive news from the Association

The Association regularly sends out news by e-mail (newsletters, invitations to events, etc.). If you no longer receive them, your e-mail address must be incorrect (misspelled or change of address not reported). Check your e-mail addresses by logging on to your personal space.

The same applies to postal addresses.

I am a current student of IAE de Paris, not a member


2.1 I am a student at IAE Paris. Can I join the Association to benefit from its services?

All IAE de Paris students are entitled to join the Alumni to benefit from its services: job offers, directory, events, knowledge enhancement, etc.

2.2 What benefits does the Association offer its student members?

Membership of the Alumni allows you to benefit from :
- the network of IAE Paris students and graduates
- professional clubs at member rates
- Career Services: individual monthly Career Point, online job and internship offers, personalized advice, workshops, seminars...
- all website services: online directory, behavioral skills assessment and development, etc.

2.3 How much is the student contribution and how long does it last?

The fee is valid for the entire duration of the course. here are the details

A receipt for the amount paid is available in your personal space.

2.4 Can I create new things within the Association such as activities or new services?

Every member of the Association can actively contribute to its development.
Any proposal for a new service or activity is welcome.

The only condition: to have a graduate or a member of the Steering Committee as a duo for its creation.

The application is validated by the Association's Board of Directors. Once approved, the applicant receives logistical support from the Association: communication, membership management, etc.

To propose a new service, a new activity or lend a hand to existing teams, just fill in the form.

I'm a graduate of IAE Paris, not a member


3.1 I'm a graduate of IAE Paris-Sorbonne Business School but I can't find my name in the "Directory - find a graduate" section?

Although we take great care to include the names of graduates in the database, you may not be included.

To remedy this, you can send a copy of your diploma or certificate of achievement from IAE Paris to the Managing Director. As soon as we receive it, your name will automatically be added to our database of graduates.

3.2 I am a graduate of IAE Paris-Sorbonne Business School and would like to access my private space. How can I do this?

Access to your private space is subject to identification (login and password).

If you have not received this email or have mislaid it, please contact our Managing Director, who will send you your login and password (within 24 hours, Monday to Friday).

You can then access your private space and change your password as often as you like.

Your private space gives you access to all the services available online: update your contact details, register for events, contact your fellow students.

3.3 I am a graduate of IAE Paris-Sorbonne Business School and I can't remember my login and/or password to access my private space?

Contact our General Delegate who, after verification, will provide you with your login and/or password (within 24 hours, Monday to Friday).

If you wish, you can then change your password.

3.4 I am a graduate of the IAE Paris-Sorbonne Business School and would like my diploma back.

Diplomas are awarded by the IAE Paris Sorbonne School of Management.

I am a student or graduate who is not a member of one of the IAEs in France.


4.1 Coming from an IAE other than Paris, can I join the Alumni?

If you are a 3rd cycle graduate of one of the IAEs, you can join our Association as an affiliate member. This will enable you to benefit from all the services offered by the Association to IAE de Paris graduates, with the exception of :

- being listed in the IAE de Paris alumni directory
- have only a consultative vote at general meetings.

You will need to fill in the registration form and attach a photocopy of your diploma.
Affiliated members agree to pay a membership fee.

4.2 How much is the membership fee for graduates of IAEs other than Paris and how long is it valid?

Membership fees are shown here.
Membership fees are payable in a single instalment: by credit card (secure payment on this site), or by direct debit.

Membership of AAE IAE de Paris Sorbonne is annual. It is valid from date to date.

4.3 Can I create new things within the Association such as activities or new services?

Every member of the Association can actively contribute to its development, including affiliated members.
We welcome all proposals for new services and activities.

It is validated by the Association's Board of Directors. Once approved, the person in charge of it receives logistical support from the Association: communication, membership management, etc.

If you'd like to propose a new service or activity, or lend a hand to existing teams, contact us!

I am a company or a recruitment agency


5.1 I would like to submit an internship or job offer for IAE Paris students and/or graduates. What is the procedure?

Advertising is free, so companies and recruitment agencies can post their internship or job offers here.

Once validated, the advert is immediately made available to dual skills via this site.

The Association offers the possibility of targeting job or internship offers (paying service).

5.2 I would like to meet students and/or graduates of IAE de Paris. What type of meetings does the Association offer?

The type of meeting depends on the company's objectives. Is it to recruit trainees or experienced executives? Or, quite simply, to promote the company, its business sector or a particular profession?

A major annual event is dedicated to recruitment. It's the IAE Paris Business Forum, where companies can set up their stands and meet candidates (students and graduates).

Company presentations are concentrated at the end of the academic year (May 21 - June 21).

Throughout the year, conferences and company visits can be organized on request.

5.3 I'm looking for an expert for an assignment within my company. Can you help me?

The strength of IAEs lies in their dual skills. Specialists in a particular field (engineers, lawyers, doctors, pharmacists, etc.), they are also managers and company directors.

As posting an ad is free of charge, companies or recruitment agencies can place their "expert" offers here.

Once validated, the ad is immediately made available to members.

5.4 Would you like to promote your company to IAE Paris students and alumni? What can you offer me?

A company can be promoted through :

- our publications - this site, newsletter, magazine,
- professional club conferences
- major events

The Association remains open to any other partnership proposal.

I'm an Internet user looking for information


If you've found this site via a search engine or directory, you're probably looking for concrete information about :

- If you're looking for top-level training in management and business administration, take a look at the courses offered by IAE de Paris.
Visit the IAE de Paris website: https: //www.iae-paris.com/en

- A management issue (human resources, finance, law, etc.).
Visit the pages of our professional clubs.

- A student or alumnus of IAE Paris
Write to the Managing director of the Association, who will try to help you as much as possible.

- another area
for which we very much hope you will find satisfaction on this site ;-)