Entrepreneurs Club

Organizers / Managers


Club mission: To support and connect all members interested in entrepreneurship.

Club objectives:

  • Promote entrepreneurship,
  • Promote business start-ups and takeovers,
  • To provide a forum for our project leaders and managers of start-ups, small and medium-sized businesses...

Who the club is for: Anyone setting up or taking over a business, as well as experienced entrepreneurs.


  • Develop themed conferences,
  • Put you in touch with management experts,
  • Provide expert support and advice from experienced graduates,
  • Support entrepreneurs in developing their international business.


Become a member: The club is open to all graduates and students of the IAE de Paris and to affiliated members interested in the club's theme and wishing to contribute their experience.
Club membership is free for all members.
Participation in events is subject to a fee, depending on the type of membership.
You can join by clicking on the Group registration button.

Member rights:
- Benefit from the advice and support of club members
- Participate in club events at member or non-member rates.
- Offer to help organize the club
- Share news and events related to the club's purpose

Upcoming events

  1. Thursday 26 September at 12:00
    Service Entrepreneurs: 45'' Point

    Contractor ServiceWhether you're launching a new project or redefining your business model, the first challenge facing creators, self-entrepreneurs or managers of very small businesses is to develop...

  1. Thursday 24 October at 12:00
    Service Entrepreneurs: 45'' Point

    Contractor ServiceWhether you're launching a new project or redefining your business model, the first challenge facing creators, self-entrepreneurs or managers of very small businesses is to develop...

  1. Thursday 28 November at 12:00
    Service Entrepreneurs: 45'' Point

    Contractor ServiceWhether you're launching a new project or redefining your business model, the first challenge facing creators, self-entrepreneurs or managers of very small businesses is to develop...

Previous events

  1. Thursday 27 June at 12:00
    Taking charge of your career

    CAREERS DEPARTMENT- Are you thinking about your career development within your company? Outside your company? - Has your training opened up new career prospects? The Career Point is reserved for...

  1. Thursday 30 May at 12:00
    Service Entrepreneurs: 45'' Point

    Contractor ServiceWhether you're launching a new project or redefining your business model, the first challenge facing creators, self-entrepreneurs or managers of very small businesses is to develop...


Newsletter Entrepreneurs, a look back at our 2023 publications
Newsletter Entrepreneurs, a look back at our 2023... Read online or download!
07 January 2024
Read more >


back to summary

Soirée du 13 mars 2012

Display map with group members

2411 results
2411 results

MASTER Management des Systèmes d'Information et de la Connaissance, 2011
Consultant fonctionnel Oracle, VIVALIENTE
DESS Contrôle de Gestion et Audit, 2006
Paris, France
DESS Management avancé des Ressources Humaines et de la Relation d’Emploi, 2007
Ensemblier radar, THALES
Boos, France
Directeur de centre, LA COMPAGNIE DE FORMATION
Paris, France
Directeur General, CIMENTS CALCIA
Guerville, France
Executive MBA Management et Administration des Entreprises, 2017
Executive MBA Management et Administration des Entreprises, 2012
Executive MBA Marketing et Communication Santé, 2024 (etudiant)
DESS Contrôle de Gestion et Audit, 2001
Responsable contrôle de gestion, GROUPE NICOLAS
Thiais, France

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