Finance Control and Risk Club

Finance Control and Risk Club

Organizers / Managers


Club mission: Contribute to the professional development of our members' professions.

Club objectives:

  • Disseminate information, stimulate reflection and debate, provide methodological support.
  • Share current issues, and improve knowledge in these 3 areas,
  • To perpetuate the relationships forged during the years of training at I.A.E.
  • Give alumni access to an address book of top-quality experts in all areas of finance, management control and risk management.
  • Create and develop links with the Finance Clubs of other Grandes Écoles.

Who is the Club for: All members active in these 3 fields.


  • Conferences and debates on technical subjects.
  • Financial evenings for non-financial professionals", organized in conjunction with the other Clubs for executives and managers who have graduated from the other Masters programs.


Become a member: The club is open to all graduates and students of the IAE de Paris and to affiliated members interested in the club's theme and wishing to contribute their experience.
Club membership is free for all members.
Participation in events is subject to a fee, depending on the type of membership.
You can join by clicking on the Group registration button.

Member rights:
- Benefit from the advice and support of club members
- Participate in club events at member or non-member rates.
- Offer to help organize the club
- Share news and events related to the club's purpose
- Use the Alumni application as a member to get in touch with members


Upcoming events

  1. Tuesday 01 October at 19:00
    Challenges for financial institutions in terms of digital operational resilience...

    Club Finance Contrôle et Risques-Regulatory developments in the financial sector represent major challenges, particularly in the digital arena. Program : 18h45: Welcome 7pm-8pm: Round Table 8:00-8:30 pm...

Previous events

  1. Tuesday 11 June at 19:00
    Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) certification: an essential career gas pedal...

    ALUMNI- What is CFA certification and its three levels?- Who, why and how to prepare and pass it?- What are the advantages of CFA for boosting your career in finance in France and...

  1. Tuesday 21 May at 19:00
    Credit, overindebtedness and financial inclusion: where do we stand?

    Club Finance Contrôle et Risques- How are consumer spending and credit evolving in a context of rising prices?- Why and how can procedures be set up to deal with overindebtedness?- What are the social logics of...

  1. Tuesday 02 April at 19:00
    Impact Finance

    Club Finance Contrôle et RisquesAn example of a specialized investment fund: Cerea. Are hopes for impact finance as a facilitator of the ecological transition well-founded? - How can investors (really) influence...

  1. Tuesday 06 February at 19:00
    Risk management in industrial companies - the case of the agri-food industry

    CLUB FINANCE CONTROLE RISQUES Risk management in industrial companies has its own peculiarities, particularly in the agri-food sector.This conference will provide an opportunity to review the current state of...

  1. 05 December 2023 at 19:00
    Financing the Ecological Transition - Distanciel

    Finance Control and Risk ClubUnderstand the battle over standards for corporate extra-financial communication at international level. From CSR reporting to sustainability information, what are the stakes in...

  1. 03 October 2023 at 19:00
    Economic and ecological steering: the case of the IT function

    FINANCE, CONTROL AND RISK CLUBAt a time when buyers expect their suppliers to provide clear information on the greenhouse gas emissions of the products and services they buy, IT Departments are increasingly...


13 February 2023
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07 December 2022
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22 October 2021
Read more >

Display map with group members

3600 results
3600 results

M2 MASTER Contrôle Audit, 2016
Correspondant Risques Opérationnelles, SOCIÉTÉ GÉNÉRALE SA
Puteaux, France
DESS Contrôle de Gestion et Audit, 2008
Executive Master Finance, 2021
M2 MASTER Finance, 2016
Puteaux, France
Executive Master Contrôle de Gestion et Audit Organisationnel, 2021
Paris, France
DESS Finance, 2002
Saulx-les-Chartreux, France
M2 MASTER Finance, 2011
DESS Contrôle de Gestion et Audit, 2006
DESS Finance, 2006
Responsable financier, FNCA
Executive MBA Management et Administration des Entreprises, 2021
Product owner, S-MONEY PARIS

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