
Review of the 1st Santé-Mardi Club event on September 26

31 October 2023 Clubs
Viewed 227 times

Back to the future: Artificial Intelligence in healthcare, what will it look like in 2030?
Round table discussion with Chahra Louafi (Director of the Autonomous Patient Fund, BPI France), David Siret (Co-founder and CTO of DAMAE Medical), Thomas Aubry (CTO of VitaDX).
We were impressed by the enriching contributions of our three high-level experts in the field, the sharp questions asked by the audience, and the conviviality of the discussions over a drink. The aim of this event was to offer all participants an opportunity to meet, share and benefit from the alumni network around tomorrow's healthcare topics.
#staytuned for future events.
Julie Deléglise and Sonia Jout.
Manager and Co-Responsible
Club Santé

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