

Apprenticeship tax 2023- Intergenerational support IAE

03 October 2023 IAE
Viewed 214 times

You have benefited from the quality of IAE Paris Sorbonne's training, which has enabled you to progress in your career. In turn, you can enable your school to offer this opportunity to future generations.
The IAE Paris Sorbonne's experience is the key to our success, particularly through the development of apprenticeship programs and the expansion of our partnerships with companies.

Our management school operates in part thanks to the taxe d'apprentissage (apprenticeship tax ), which enables us to enhance the quality of the services we offer our students every year. It is used exclusively for teaching.

Companies can contribute to the school's development by paying all or part of their apprenticeship tax directly, thus freeing themselves from this tax in favor of our school.

I invite you to get involved in your company and choose your school as the beneficiary of your apprenticeship tax.

Thank you for your help in serving the Alumni Community.
Yours faithfully
Isabel Bornet

What's new for this year's collection?

IAE Paris Sorbonne provides you with useful information

All about the tax

How does it work?

Companies can pay all or part of their apprenticeship tax directly to our school. Your company allocates this balance from May 25 to November 9, 2023.

I pay

Contact: Sophie AKHTAR

Our school in figures

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