Career Services

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    1. Thursday 04 January to Wednesday 04 December
      Develop your soft skills- Open all year round

      CAREERS DEPARTMENT Praditus is a platform for determining your behavioral predispositions. It's important to know your own skills in order to identify areas for improvement and strengths. How can...

    2. Thursday 19 September at 13:00
      Taking control of your career

      CAREERS DEPARTMENT- Are you thinking about your career development within your company? Outside? - Has your training opened up new career prospects? The Career Point is reserved for members*. * It...

    3. Wednesday 09 October at 13:00
      Taking control of your career

      CAREERS DEPARTMENT- Are you thinking about your career development within your company? Outside? - Has your training opened up new career prospects? The Career Point is reserved for members*. * It...

    4. Tuesday 12 November at 12:30
      Become a reference in your field

      CAREERS DEPARTMENT- How can you stand out from your competitors and attract the best opportunities? - How do you build a strong brand image that everyone can see? - How can you highlight your...

    5. 04 February 2025 at 12:30
      Strategic networking

      CAREERS DEPARTMENT How to accelerate your career with a strong power base - even when you hate networking. Great at what you do, and yet your career is stalled? Then you're probably missing a strong...

    6. 01 April 2025 at 12:30
      Shine at your next job interview

      CAREERS DEPARTMENTPreparing for an interview? Give yourself the best chance of success. If you want to shine whatever question comes up, traditional approaches are no longer enough. This webinar...