SIAE Strategies and Perspectives Club

SIAE Strategies and Perspectives Club

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    1. Wednesday 12 June at 18:30
      {Cancellation} How can you assess and understand digital maturity to transform...

      CLUB SIAEIn a technology-driven world, surviving companies are maintaining a high level of digital maturity. They are integrating digital technologies in depth to become more agile, more...

    2. Tuesday 30 April at 18:30
      The new challenges facing the Datacenter: Green, the role of AI, Data / Big Data...

      CLUB SIAEThis event is also for non-experts to understand the importance of DataCenters. What is a Datacenter? How can we achieve a Green Datacenter? What role does AI play in the...

    3. Thursday 04 April at 18:30
      {Report} The new challenges facing the Datacenter: Green, the role of AI, Data /...

      CLUB SIAEWhat is a data center? Definitions, infrastructures.What standards are used by Datacenters to structure and certify themselves (Uptime Institute, ASHRAE...)?New Datacenter...

    4. Thursday 18 January at 18:00
      Digital restraint: the keys to understanding and taking action

      CLUB SIAEDigital is the 7th continent in terms of environmental impact. It already accounts for 40% of our sustainable GHG budget. For the planet and for our overloaded brains, we urgently...