
LIAE-Robote Alumni LIAE-Robote Alumni

LIAE-Notre robote

01 September 2023 Association
Viewed 160 times

We chose a robot, not the neutrality recommended by AI practices.

It's called " LIAÉ", and it's unique in its aim to bring us :

  • ActiveIntelligent Reading tocontinueeducatingourselves, thus continuing the practices acquired during our time at IAE Paris Sorbonne,
  • Feeding it with our own collective discoveries will enable us all to be informed without the sometimes loud noise of certain ideologies.

L.I.A.E is not alone, it has a team of robots already trained in expertise that allows us to produce a newsletter with the following themes:

World of Management: topics

Management, leadership, CSR, duty of care and critical thinking...

World of trades: topics

Entrepreneurs : financing, French tech...

Finance : the Fintech...

Marketing: Digital marketing innovation, e-business trends, customer experience, social media trends...

Human Resources: transforming practices, QWL, Equality...


Supply chain

Organizational transformation : topics

Digital transformation of companies, Smart city, New mobility, Cybersecurity.

Each of these topics is managed by a robot that can be fed with our own identified articles. Robots are becoming increasingly relevant.

If you would like to be part of the team training the robots, please contact Djamila Schafter at:

We offer you here the newsletter #1

Enjoy your reading.

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